The EMSA Executive Summary reads:
This is an overview of the annual EMSA Exercise titled the "State of California Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA) Statewide Medical & Health Services Disaster Exercise, November 14, 2002" and conducted by that authority.
The EMSA Executive Summary reads:
Not every jurisdiction trains its EMCOMM unit participants as does that of Orange County, CA. Perhaps more could consider doing so, as illustrated in an article by Mike Krueger of Orange County CA RACES in their July 1999 publication "NETCONTROL".
We conclude this series with an overview of three essential systems: SEMS, RIMS and GIS.
"SEMS. The Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) is for coordinating state and local emergency response. It provides a multiple level emergency response organization that facilitates the flow of emergency information and resources. It followed the 1991 East Bay Hills fire. Originated by Senator Nicolas Petris, signed into Committees, boards and commissions supported by OES include:
- Chemical Emergency Planning and Response Commission which was established by an Executive Order for the Federal Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 which requires each governor establish a state emergency response commission to address a variety of hazardous materials planning and community right- |
March 2003
ACS BulletinsThe Bulletins are addressed to the Emergency Management Agency (with sub-addresses to others) with the intent that the Radio Officer, ACS Coordinator or other unit participant will deliver them to the agency coordinator, and discuss their topics. |