Sample ARES/RACES Net Script
This is __________ , my name is __________ and I will be acting as net control for the weekly ___________ county ARES net. This net is held each _________ evening at _________ pm local time; on the _____.______ repeater; courtesy of the __________ club.
The purpose of this net is to encourage interest in, and to provide information about, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service in this coverage area and _________ county. Both organizations offer emergency communications services to public service and governmental agencies during potential and actual disasters of many kinds.
All amateurs are welcomed to this net. You do not have to be a member of ARES or RACES to join this net. ARES/RACES is not affilliated with any regular local club or clubs and is under the direction of the ARRL appointed Emergency Coordinator and/or RACES Radio Officer for each county. The EC/RO for ___________ county is _____________, ____________________.
This is a directed net. Please address all transmissions to net control. As always, Priority or Emergency transmissions will take precedence and will be handled immediately.
NTS format messages may (may not) be initiated or passed on this net.
This is ________, net control. Any stations wishing to list traffic for the net . . . Please call now.
At this time, the net will take check-in's for mobile and short-time stations. Your calls please . . .
At this time, the net will take all other check-in's. Your calls please....
At this time, Net Control invites reports and comments from the EC, AEC's and ARRL Officials on the net. (Start with highest level & work down the list) Please give your call sign, Name, and position held.
We wish to thank the ____________ for the use of the repeater. Thank you for your participation. The net is now secure and the repeater is returned to normal use. This is _________ OUT.
The purpose of this net is to encourage interest in, and to provide information about, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service in this coverage area and _________ county. Both organizations offer emergency communications services to public service and governmental agencies during potential and actual disasters of many kinds.
All amateurs are welcomed to this net. You do not have to be a member of ARES or RACES to join this net. ARES/RACES is not affilliated with any regular local club or clubs and is under the direction of the ARRL appointed Emergency Coordinator and/or RACES Radio Officer for each county. The EC/RO for ___________ county is _____________, ____________________.
This is a directed net. Please address all transmissions to net control. As always, Priority or Emergency transmissions will take precedence and will be handled immediately.
NTS format messages may (may not) be initiated or passed on this net.
This is ________, net control. Any stations wishing to list traffic for the net . . . Please call now.
At this time, the net will take check-in's for mobile and short-time stations. Your calls please . . .
At this time, the net will take all other check-in's. Your calls please....
At this time, Net Control invites reports and comments from the EC, AEC's and ARRL Officials on the net. (Start with highest level & work down the list) Please give your call sign, Name, and position held.
We wish to thank the ____________ for the use of the repeater. Thank you for your participation. The net is now secure and the repeater is returned to normal use. This is _________ OUT.
Page Last Updated, 9/29/12