Following recent bulletins on the Incident Command System (ICS) it was suggested that we add the following taken from the "Incident Command System - National Training Curriculum - ICS Glossary", dated October, 1994.
If you have never had the opportunity to tour a city or county Emergency Operations center (EOC), perhaps this will help grasp some aspects of one.
Past bulletins have described the SHARES and the FEMA National Emergency Coordination Net (NECN). To illustrate system use, here is the result of a March 2002 Quarterly Test.
The Incident Command System (ICS) establishes policies and procedures that provide a common terminology and methods of operating at an incident. This gives standardization for agencies that may or may not otherwise work together. The result is such that many branches, sections, groups and other units can work together more readily with a minimum of confusion.
March 2003
ACS BulletinsThe Bulletins are addressed to the Emergency Management Agency (with sub-addresses to others) with the intent that the Radio Officer, ACS Coordinator or other unit participant will deliver them to the agency coordinator, and discuss their topics. |
2002-03 EmComm Bulletins
TO: Emergency Communications Units - Information Bulletin
TO: Emergency Management Agencies via Internet and Radio
FROM: Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) of the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services