Sometimes it is interesting to read about the activities of another unit. So, let¹s see what the Sonoma County ACS unit has been doing. The following is extracted from the Spring 2001 "Disaster Blaster", an 8-page publication of the Sonoma County Department of Emergency Services, Santa Rosa, California covering activities of
SHARES is an acronym for SHAred RESources (SHARES) High Frequency Radio Program. It operates on government frequencies and is available 24 hours a day to support intra or interagency mission requirements. It is one of several initiatives sponsored by the National Communications System (NCS) in its role of planning and preparing for National Security and Emergency Preparedness (NS/SP).
Continuing with 'good' versus 'poor' traits of managers: Good managers seem to have an innate sense of people involvement WITHOUT being aware they are doing it. Poor managers are sure they do, but they do NOT possess that sense no matter how much they think they have it.
EMC326 said "let's recall that it was noted that the loss of participants often occurs with a change in the person managing the program (of volunteers). And, then asked "So, what talents and abilities does the new manager lack that the prior one had?"
March 2003
ACS BulletinsThe Bulletins are addressed to the Emergency Management Agency (with sub-addresses to others) with the intent that the Radio Officer, ACS Coordinator or other unit participant will deliver them to the agency coordinator, and discuss their topics. |
2002-03 EmComm Bulletins
TO: Emergency Communications Units - Information Bulletin
TO: Emergency Management Agencies via Internet and Radio
FROM: Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) of the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services