After attending a Fire Safety and Fire Behavior class it seemed some of the information should be passed on. Some of this will apply to anyone exposed to a wildland fire situation, including the home owners. So here goes.
A. Initial Priority:Provide EOC with reliable internal communications between the EOC and essential agencies and departments.
B. Secondary Priority:Provide EOC with links into disaster area for information and response. By Ben J. Green, Assistant Chief Telecommunications, EAS/EDIS Program, July 2002
EDIS, or Emergency Digital Information Service, has been with us for more than a decade. It was created by the Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES) after the '89 Loma Prieta earthquake. It's purpose was to fill gaps in the state's Emergency The last bulletin ended with the statement that the systems faced by EMCOMM unit responders have become more complex; that what was once a simple communications instrument -- the telephone -- has (in many agencies) become an extremely complex communications system.
Ideas for training are an often sought topic, so let's try a different approach and see how it helps.
First, let's ask: What is the purpose of the training? |
March 2003
ACS BulletinsThe Bulletins are addressed to the Emergency Management Agency (with sub-addresses to others) with the intent that the Radio Officer, ACS Coordinator or other unit participant will deliver them to the agency coordinator, and discuss their topics. |
2002-03 EmComm Bulletins
TO: Emergency Communications Units - Information Bulletin
TO: Emergency Management Agencies via Internet and Radio
FROM: Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) of the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services