- Chemical Emergency Planning and Response Commission which was established by an Executive Order for the Federal Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 which requires each governor establish a state emergency response commission to address a variety of hazardous materials planning and community right-
- Citizens Advisory Committee on Nuclear Emergency Planning (CAC) was created in l988 to review the planning and public information being provided around the state's nuclear power plants. The nine members of the committee represent specific disciplines and are appointed by the Governor, Chairperson of Senate Rules Committee, and Speaker of the Assembly.
- California Utilities Emergency Association (CLEA), chartered in 1952 as part of the state's Civil Defense Plan, was created as a Joint Powers Agreement to represent California utilities on utility emergency-related issues. In 1997, the CUFA filed for nonprofit status as a public benefit corporation. Utility emergency-related issues in California are addressed through the Utilities Branch of the State Operations Center and Regional Emergency Operations Centers.
Utilities covered under this branch include gas. electric, telecommunications, water, waste-water, and petroleum pipeline industries. During emergencies, the Utilities Branch is activated to enhance the state's capability to respond to and recover from emergencies by providing an improved structure for cooperation and communication among utilities and government agencies. Trained utility representatives may also respond to the SOC or may staff the utilities function at the Regional Emergency Operations Center (REOC). The utility function at Operational Area EOC works in coordination with the REOC.
- OES Fire and Rescue Advisory Committee, is a representative group of the fire service for guidance and assistance to OES for planning, preparation, and response to fire and rescue disasters utilizing the Rescue Mutual Aid plan and Mutual Aid System. The Committee is also Board of Directors for FIRESCOPE (Firefighting Resources of California Organized for Potential Emergencies), which is responsible for overseeing the expansion of the Incident Command System throughout the state and for implementing other FIRESCOPE programs statewide.
- Urban Search and Rescue Advisory Committee. The Urban Search and Heavy Rescue Advisory Committee was established in 1989 to advise the OES Director. The multi-disciplinary committee includes representation from local, state, and federal agencies and encompasses volunteer groups, medical specialists, and engineers. The committee makes policy recommendations relating to rescue techniques, resources, guideline, and procedures, training for professionals and volunteers, coordination of local, state, federal, international, and private sector resources; development of an urban search and rescue mutual aid plan, and other issues related to urban search and heavy rescue."
Continues next week