The Telecommunications Section of the Operations Support Branch at State OES has an action-response position to handle requests for OES communications resources or assistance, whether from Federal, State or local government, via the mutual aid system.
That position is the Telecommunications Duty Officer (TDO). One of the duties is a daily report of the active status of certain assets. The following is an example. Comm 60 is the mobile Hub.
- Both OASIS Hubs are operational.
Field Operations:
- ACS Duty Officers:
- Coastal Region - name of ACSDO*
- Inland Region - name of ACSDO*
- Southern Region - name of ACSDO*
- ICS Type I Communications Unit Status:
- Comm 22: Available - (Location)
- Comm 24: AVAILABLE - (Location)
- Comm 25: AVAILABLE - (Location)
- Specialty Unit Status:
- Comm 21 (Microwave): - AVAILABLE - (Location)
- Comm 23 (Repeater): - AVAILABLE - (Location)
- OASIS Unit Status:
- Comm 60: OUT OF SERVICE - (Location)
(Generator to be serviced) - Comm 61: AVAILABLE - (Location)
- Comm 62: AVAILABLE - (Location)
- Comm 63: AVAILABLE - (Location)
- Comm 64: AVAILABLE - (Location)
- Comm 60: OUT OF SERVICE - (Location)
- Activities: None
It is important to recall that each OES Administrative Region is as large as several individual states with more people and area than some groups of states.
The report lists the ACS Duty Officer (ACSDO*) for each OES Administrative Region. The ACSDO is the action-response position to coordinate assignments of ACS personnel when approved for deployment. The TDO is paid staff; the ACSDO is volunteer. Their 'duty-period' rotates every 7 days on a set day.
Field deployments are 12 hour shifts. Those with time flexibility find it easier to serve as sometimes they are needed for several days, or only 1/2 day increments. Generally team participants live within 1 1/2 hours drive of Sacramento, Los Alamitos, Oakland or Fresno. Deployment, typically by state vehicle, can be anywhere in the state, although effort is made to keep it close to the area in which they live.
The ACS program does have openings for qualified personnel. If Interested please provide a summary of your background, location, degree of interest and time flexibility to the address below. You you will be contacted by an ACS program representative closest to your residence.
Governor's Office of Emergency Services
Operations Support Branch, Telecommunications Section
Attn: Cary Mangum, State ACS Officer (code ACS A)
P.O. Box 419047
Rancho Cordova CA 95741-9047
or Email: [email protected]
Watch the ACS Web page for photos and updates on deployments.
(This was the last of the EMCOMM bulletins as the time to research and write
them fell by the wayside due to the editor's family health situation.)