The solution is to use non-standard frequencies in the 2- Meter band and other bands if necessary.
The simplex 2-Meter RACES plan was accomplished for California by Dr. Dave Tyler, Ph.D., N6DRT. It has seven cells (or groups) of thirteen frequencies each and every county is assigned a specific group in letters A through G. Frequency 1 through 4 and 146.52 are common to all groups, as well as a common alert frequency 145.695. The remaining 7 simplex frequencies are unique to a particular group. County groups are typically separated from one another by over a hundred miles. The overall effect is somewhat like a very large cellular frequency plan. In total, there are 57 frequencies and each is identified by a frequency number, should you wish to maintain frequency confidentiality over the air. For a copy, send a SASE with fifty-two cents postage. It can be adopted in any state.
Most of the frequencies in the 2-Meter band are purposely uncommon frequencies. Some fall on channels identified for exotic and experimental purposes. We feel that the very limited emergency-only use takes priority and there have been no complaints.
Footnote: This plan is not usable in Southern California because of the proliferation on non-standard repeater pairs and link frequencies.
[This subject really incorporates two categories: planning under MANAGEMENT and utilization under OPERATIONS. For simplicity we are listing it under the OPERATIONS category.]