- Westminister City RACES provided communications at the Blessed Sacramento Church Festival, with RACES mutual aid supplied by Orange County, and the cities of Cypress and Huntington Beach. 25 operators participated in 200 person hours over 3 days at a festival that drew over 25,000 people.
- County requested exclusive RACES at the Amateur Radio booth at the County Fair for two days of first weekend. If not granted, RACES members will still participate, but the Radio Officers will not officially schedule member participation.
- Iranian Festival. We plan to setup communications posts throughout the public park to provide the Iranians with an easy means for reporting and finding lost children, as well as other situtions. Because of the limited number of members who can participate due to its being Easter Sunday, we will most likely request mutual aid from City RACES groups.
- Duck & Cover Drill, April 5. This is a State OES drill, at 10:30 a.m., probably on 7230 kHz. We will probably want to activate on 2 meters or 6 meters, as well, to communicate with City EOC's.
- Mass Casualty Drill, April 22.
- Earthquake Expo at Main Place Mall in Santa Ana. We will work this event in shifts and invite City RACES groups to display their promotional material as well. Those are just a few training venues for the RACES.
1992-1994 RACES Bulletins