Comment: Previous bulletins have covered the aspects of one's obligation to family first. Still, there are Strike Teams that do make that commitment and dedication, as do key participants of a well prepared communications reserve, like the RACES, the OES Auxiliary Communications Service, or others. Strike Teams and key responders are for a short quick response to fill in until the slower mobilizing units can respond; then they retire.
An effective Radio Officer or Shift Supervisor will NOT allow extended participation without adequate rest and relief unless there is absolutely no alternative in the worst of disasters. To do so is an open invitation to operator fatigue, loss of concentration, along with stress and its ensuing problems in addition to concern about one's family and property.
The process of programming responder participation starts in the mind of the Radio Officer, Shift Supervisor or Staffing Coordinator. Even in emergencies extending for weeks, the effective supervisor schedules shifts to recognize and alleviate stress, fatigue and overly active ego or adrenaline drives.