The compilation has five major categories, with sub-topics as shown:
OPS or OPERATIONS: Aspects (5); Incident Command System (2);In Time of Need (5); Preparedness for Responders & the Family (7); Training (7); and What to Expect in Emergencies (4).
MIS or MISCELLANEOUS: Miscellaneous (24); Public Relations and Press (1); Public Safety (2); RACES Survey (1); and Earthquakes (1).
TEC or TECHNICAL: Antenna's (5); ATV (3); Equipment (9); Packet (5); and Technical Tidbits (2).
The CONTENTS section includes an INTRODUCTION; CROSS REFERENCE to the original bulletin; and ADDRESS/PHONE NUMBERS for State and Region OES facilities.
A DISC VERSION - file sizes range from 6 to 30K - is available in single column layout suitable for printing.
A two-column PRINT VERSION includes an 11 page RACES Policy Guide; 13 page Net Control Station Responsibilities Guide; 4 page "The Volunteer, a Valuable Human Resource"; 4 page Strike Team guide; Organization Chart with relationship to local government; Standards for the RACES; A County Training Plan for RACES Personnel; Using Tactical Calls; Organization Flow Charts, Forms, maps and articles of various nature.
Both versions are available from RACES, Telecommunications Division, State Office of Emergency Services, 2800 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832 as follows:
For the disc version - send three formatted floppies or two DSDD (3.5") discs with self addressed and stamped return mailer. ASCII format. If Macintosh, please specify.
For the print version - Send $10 check or money order payable to the State of California (at cost and includes shipping/postage). It is 3-ring punched and ready to insert in your binder.
- - - Cary Mangum, Chief State Radio Officer, W6WWW