All of our RACES bulletins now carry a 3 letter designator as an identifier of the subject category in response to requests from around the country. Note the example on this bulletin. The following identifiers are now used:
- MGT - for Management, Administrative and Policy topics.
- MIS - for Miscellaneous topics.
- OPS - for Operations, operating procedures, practices, and resources for emergency managers and responders.
- TEC - for Technical topics.
- TIM - for time related items, later to be deleted because their content is dated in nature.
RACES Bulletins will continue to be issued in numeric sequence with the subject category added.
In addition, a MAJOR REVISION soon will be available. It will be by TOPIC rather than by Number and contain all still useful material of the bulletins from 1985 through 1991. It will be pertinent and helpful to both the emergency manager and the emergency responder for reference and training purposes.
The numbered Bulletins continue to be available on disc and the restructured-by-topic bulletins will also be available on disc. A special SYSOP MASTER Disc will be provided sysops who desire to put this emergency communications resource material on their BBS for their users. For those who have their bulletins filed by number, a CROSS-REFERENCE from category/subject/topic to bulletin number will also be available.
- MGT: All bulletins essential to the emergency manager. The local Radio Officer should make sure a copy gets in that official's hands. This is an ideal means of continuing liaison between the 'ham' and the official --- week by week. Very important. (Remember: "Out of sight is out of mind.")
- TEC: These are typically of little interest to the manager of the local emergency response program office, but delivering a copy never hurts. It keeps the door open and offers a chance to again talk on other topics.
- OPS: Vital material for both managers and responders. Be sure the emergency manager gets his copy. Lots of jewels in this data.
- MIS: Miscellaneous topics that don't fit in the other categories.
These materials continue to be available to anyone without charge who sends us either a 3 1/2" or two 5-1/4" floppies and a self addressed and stamped disc mailer.
---Cary Mangum, W6WWW