Some of the volunteer positions in which he served include that of Training Officer for El Dorado County RACES, Amador/El Dorado CDF VIP organization, and State OES
His work with the State OES ACS program led to increasing levels of leadership including as ACS Officer of the OES Inland Region (area of THREE Mutual Aid Regions)--that's three times the size of the initial area he was assigned and totals 31 counties. It is a sprawling complex of cities, valleys, foothills, and mountains (larger and more complex than some sections of the U.S. made up of several states).
Bill initiated a rather unique and innovative Region-wide program of training and information sharing--in a forum-type format--with semiannual meetings for and with the participation of RACES, ACS, VIP, ARES, and REACT leadership and local, county, and state public-safety officials throughout the region. He created, distributed, and maintained an EMCOMM Directory so all amateur radio EMCOMM type organizations within the THREE Mutual Aid Regions have ready access to their peers.
His dream, as expressed to me, was to one day work in the paid staff position of the State OES Emergency Services Coordinator to that State OES Inland Region. In January of this year, State OES appointed him to that position. Bill relinquished his volunteer position as the Inland Region ACS Officer due to his Coordinator appointment. However, he is still active as a volunteer in areas where it does not conflict with his work for State OES. His work as a Communications Coordinator assisting local governments is spread out across the interior of California from the mountains south of Bakersfield to the Oregon border.
Some of the many tasks he completed at his own initiative have been several guides, handbooks, and manuals for ACS/RACES, VIP, ARES, and REACT organizations (see State OES ACS Home Page). His most recent compilation is that of Incident Command System and Resource Information Management System forms to ASCII and text files for use in HF/VHF/UHF amateur radio digital modes.
To me, Bill is one who well illustrates his passion for what interests him the most--emergency communications. To Bill, I must say this: "I appreciate all the help and support you have given me since I took on the State ACS Officer role in 1991. It's been an interesting journey and I've enjoyed watching your involvement and leadership."
Now, as a reader, surely, you know others with a passion for this field of mutual interest! Please write an article we can use to publish in this manner. Send it to:
Cary Mangum, W6WWW - E-mail: [email protected]