Why is this important for EMCOMM unit participants, managers, and government
Author Norman Smith (in the Oct-Dec 1989 "Quester" Vol 9, Nr 4 of the Canadian Society of Questers) wrote: "Quantum Physics is tying a lot of the loose ends together. It is showing that science, religion, philosophy, and psychology are all saying the same thing. In different words, yet, but the same story emerges."
Speaker after speaker at our convention utilized the term "mind set." We are completely capable of doing what we set our mind to do, no more and no less.
Quantum studies are showing that the outcome of experiments is determined by the "mind set" of the experimenter. For example, if an experiment is designed to show light as a wave function, that is what it will show. If the experiment is set up to show light as particles, that will be the result. Light cannot be both, yet it is! Regardless of how the experiment is set up in efforts to fool the electron/photon, the result will still reflect the experimenter's mind set. It is as though the universe simply asks what it is we want and gives it to us, sometimes in spite of ourselves.
In the evaluation or judging of something, man is measuring. In Quantum experiments, we have learned that to measure the velocity or location of an electron, sufficient energy must be used to "see it." The illuminating energy is necessarily so strong that it alters the electron's velocity, or location, or both, to the point that what would have occurred, had the measurement not been made, will not now take place. In other words, by making the measurement, the measurer has altered the future. That is an awesome responsibility, and clearly illustrates the result of judgment.
Today, in the 21st century, many writings describe how "mind controls matter," that "we are what we think," that "what we think affects our bodies, lives, and those around us."
So, what does this have to do with Emergency Communications units such as ACS, ARES, MARS, RACES, REACT, SKYWARN, and others? For that matter, what does it have to do with anything?
Think about it. Many sources are telling us that the thoughts in mind literally determine what we do, become, and experience in physical life. Mind is more than belief. Mind is a combination of belief, of knowing, of conceptions or misconceptions we deeply hold. Mind is an energy force that is within every cell of the body and brain. Mind sets the structure of our lives, of what we can achieve or not achieve, of how our bodies respond to internal cellular change. In summary, there is ample evidence that our thoughts are so powerful that they can alter physical structure, as well as all we do and achieve in life. Thus, thoughts in our mind will structure how we consider the EMCOMM unit in which we participate, or for which we may be responsible in some way.
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