We were visitors at a regional convention. A certain member of the sponsoring association was to be a speaker. Instead his wife was there in his place due to events known to some of the members, but not all, and certainly not the four guests.
To a hushed room she began by saying that her husband had been at work when a 40-ton cargo container fell from a loading crane. He was under it when it plummeted to the asphalt dock at the spot where he had been standing.
A cargo container is 8x8x40 feet of rigid steel with skids 4-6" high on the bottom. Ever see what asphalt is like after a heavy object lands on it? It's a huge deep imprint with strange bulges shoved out of shape by the enormous crushing weight. Think you could survive that?
Not withstanding the impossible, we next heard his voice address the convention by a tape recording taken from his hospital bed! Later, she addressed the common questioning thought in our minds: "How had he survived?" Her answer, in his words: "Because I saw the falling container and became one with it."
She said that he was a student of the human mind and knew beyond belief that "all are one" in both a mystical and a real sense. It was what he knew deep within himself and thus - for him - it was a powerful force.
Is the human "mind" (not brain) that powerful? Is it possible to become "one" with another physical object? Yes, there are those who say it is that powerful. But, if we can't accept that, then how does the mind so control the thoughts that the body and brain can survive being pummeled into asphalt by a 40-ton cargo container?
The other Mind Quake occurred that night, while verifying audio tapes of her presentation. They were blank, although they HAD been recorded on BOTH machines we had brought. Others who had recorded the session said, "I don't know what happened, but my tape is blank!" Even to one that was professionally recorded!
Tapes that otherwise recorded every word of each presentation didn't record ANY of hers. Each person doing a recording had a separate machine located in a different place in the conference room. Each machine recorded events before and after the missing presentation, but did not record that event. It seemed that it was intended that only those in attendance in person would hear her complete presentation for a reason we were not to discern.
Whatever you may conclude, for us the result was a shaking up of perceptions and thoughts - a Mind Quake.
Continues next bulletin