When I started on this bulletin, the title Pabulum or Popcorn jumped into mind, probably because it suggests two approaches to the way the bulletins can be written and used.
These bulletins accomplish less than that to which they are capable if you, the reader, do not make sure they get into the local discussion wherever you are located. These are not intended as "an authority," but rather as popcorn, something to heat up and use in your EMCOMM unit in some tasteful way! Add your own butter and salt!
Ideas and interpretations are valuable to those of us with open minds and a willingness to discuss, relate, consider, implement, and test. Only by trying new ideas and methods do we grow, either personally or as communicators. Then, too, we need reminding of concepts that are ever changing.
Just because "we've done 'it' this or that way for 50 years" (or whatever) does not mean that what the "it" is about can be the only way. It doesn't mean that there may not be some aspect or way to approach and do the "it" differently. After all, it might produce astonishingly positive results far beyond one's own imagination to even guess at what can occur with change.
So, in a way, the bulletins are generally focused towards a change in thinking, a different perspective, another way of looking at a topic. They can create opportunities to be used locally in your community, in your communications unit, even though it may not appear so at first reading.
Our thanks to those readers who have chosen to provide us with their ideas, suggestions, queries, and requests for further clarification. Sometimes the bulletins don't allow enough space to cover the topic adequately as we try to keep them to a certain limit to make it easier to read as well as to use over the radio-- packet and other networks.