RIMS is a tool that State OES uses for managing and archiving the data that is generated in connection with an incident, such as a diaster. It is also used to communicate with other agencies and governments, such as the Counties (Operational Areas), Special Districts, California Department of Forestry, Law Enforcement and Fire Response Agencies, FEMA, California Utility Agencies and others.
Utility responders that have participated in the California Utilities Emergency Association (CUEA, Inc.) EOC training have been trained in the use of RIMS. Data (information) received from the utilities during emergencies is summarized by CUEA responders and then put into RIMS.
Each Operational Area in CA - a County and all jurisdictions - other agencies and some utilities have a RIMS terminal that is a dedicated Lotus Notes server, or they connect via telephone to State OES's servers in several locations in the State.
Technical requirements for this new system are these:
- A Pentium II, III or Celeron computer 166MHz or better
- 32 MB memory
- 28.8 kbps modem or better
- Internet Explorer 4.0 or Netscape 4.5 or newer and an ISP capable of supporting 28.8 kbps or better
To access the system go to www.oes.ca.gov and select the NetRims area. For governments and agencies that have access, their ACS Officers should discuss with their Coordinator how they can also obtain access. At State OES Communications Centers at Sacramento and the three OES Administrative Regions, the ACS unit has one or more terminals dedicated to NETRIMS 24 hours a day.