- Command
- The act of directing, ordering and/or controlling resources by virtue of explicit legal, agency, or delegated authority.
- Command Staff
- The Command Staff consist of the:
- Information Officer,
- Safety Officer and
- Liaison Officer
each of whom report to the Incident Commander.
- Comm. Unit - (Communications Unit)
- A vehicle (trailer or mobile van) used to provide the major part of an Incident Communications Center.
- Company
- ny piece of equipment having a full compliment of personnel.
- Cooperating Agency
- An agency supplying assistance other than direct suppression, rescue, support or service functions to the incident control effort (e.g. Red Cross, a law enforcement agency, telephone company, etc...).
- Coordination
- The process of systematically analyzing a situation, developing relevant information, and informing appropriate command authority (for its decision) of viable alternatives for selection of the most effective combination of available resources to meet specific objectives.
- Crew Transport
- Any vehicle capable of transporting personnel in specified numbers.
- Dispatch
- The implementation of a command decision to move a resource or resources from one place to another
- Dispatch Center
- A facility from which resources are directly assigned to an incident.
- Division
- That organization level having responsibility for operations within a defined geographical area or with functional responsibility. The level just below a branch.
- Dozer Company
- Any dozer with a minimum complement of two persons.
- Engine
- Any ground vehicle providing specified levels of pumping, water and hose capacity but with less than the specified level of personnel.
- Engine Company
- Any ground vehicle providing specified levels of pumping, water, hose capacity and personnel.
- A computer program which, with given information, will predict an hourly rate of spread from a point.
- Flycrew
- A hand crew of predetermined size transported to an incident via helicopter.
- Food Dispenser
- Any vehicle capable of dispensing food to incident personnel.
- Fuel Tender
- Any vehicle capable of supplying fuel to ground or airborne equipment.
- General Staff
- The group of incident management personnel comprised of the: Incident Commander, Operations Chief, Planning Chief, Logistics Chief and Finance Chief
- Group
- A functional Division (e.g. Air Support, Salvage Structure Protections, etc.).
- Hand Crew
- Predetermined individuals that are supervised, organized, and trained principally for clearing brush as a fire suppression measure.
- Heavy Equipment Transport
- Any ground vehicle capable of transporting a dozer.
- Helibase
- A location within the general incident area for parking, fueling, maintaining and loading helicopters.
- Helicopter Tender
- A ground vehicle capable of supplying fuel and support equipment to helicopters.
- Helispot
- A location where a helicopter can take off and land.
- Helitack
- The initial attack phase of fire suppression using helicopters and trained airborne teams to achieve immediate control of windfires.
- Helitack Crew
- A crew of three or more individuals who may be assigned to operations or to support helicopter operations.
- Helitack Foreman
- A firefighter Trained in the Tactical and logistical use of helicopters for fire suppression.