Ideas for obtaining help and guidance in training for communicators:
To get help on personnel to do training and related ideas:
- Get together with the local Urban Search and Rescue Communications Team leader(s) and get their help from what training they received. The Communications Team leader normally takes a 2 week mandatory course in Boise plus serving on a field event as an assistant; real on-the-job training, in other words.
- Contact local forestry or other field response agencies (the ones that put people in hazardous places) for what and how they train.
- Contact the military (Army probably the best) for what training they had in field activities, including antenna erection.
- Contact government(s) telecommunications agencies (where technicians work that maintain the microwave, radio towers, etc.) and see what training they received.
- Contact cellular companies, microwave companies, phone companies and check with their technicians (who work on antenna's, equipment, etc.) and discuss their training.
Any of the above sources (the technicians, the administrators could be the basis of a training course or session on a particular topic; they may teach it for you....lots of these people are good at that - often better than they think, since their experiences make for great attention-getters.