At the fire scenario, the Logistics Chief has already named an appropriate person as Communications Unit Leader. An integrated communications plan is being prepared while they wait for the Comm. Van. It can range from a simple one noted on a whiteboard to a complex written plan. In our case, due to the seriousness of the situation, it is written and is part of the incident action plan. It covers three elements: (1) systems (2) frequencies and resource use (3) information transfer procedures.
As this is a large incident, networks will be organized this way:
- Command net: links Incident command, key staff members, Chiefs, Division and Group Supervisors.
- Tactical nets: can be several, for use by agencies, specific functions, geographical areas or departments, strike teams and task forces.
- Support nets: for status changing for resources, as well as for support requests, and certain other needs.
- Ground-to-air net: a ground to air tactical frequency may be designated, or regular tactical nets used.
- Air-to-air nets: normally predesignated and assigned
Next bulletin: ICS Management