1. Get ready to receive the new worker:
____ Assure that the written application is complete, law enforcement check successfully accomplished, photographs taken and I.D. card processed.
____ Review his/her work experience, education, and training.
____ Have an up-to-date description of his/her job or a list of duties.
____ Have his/her workspace and supplies ready.
____ Put him/her at ease.
____ Indicate your relationship to the new worker.
____ Define who is his/her immediate supervisor.
____ Assign him/her to desk, operating position, work area, or site and supplies.
3. Show genuine interest in the worker:
____ Discuss his/her background and interests.
____ Inquire about his/her transportation. Is it suitable for field assignments if necessary?
____ Review work related tax deductions, particularly for unpaid workers.
4. Explain the work of the unit, using organization/functional and position/personnel charts:
____ Describe the function.
____ Indicate his/her position in the unit.
5. Introduce him/her to the chief of the unit and his/her coworkers:
____ Indicate to each coworkers the new worker's duties.
____ Explain the duties of each person to whom he/she is introduced.
6. Show him/her the layout and available facilities:
____ Explain the layout of the offices as well as the branch and unit to which he/she is assigned.
____ Show him/her the washroom, water fountain, elevators, soft drink machines, coffee, duplicating machine, and/or other relevant facilities.
____ Security briefing on restricted and prohibited areas. Building security rules. Doors and gates.
7. Explain rules and regulations:
____ Hours of work.
____ Periodic staff meetings. Exercises.
____ Smoking.
____ How to answer the telephone.
____ How to place telephone calls. Describe systems available.
In addition, for paid workers:
____ Punctuality and good attendance.
____ Lunch period.
Rest periods.
____ Use of telephone.
____ Leave
8. Job instruction, or assign to qualified instructor:
____ Give step-by-step instruction if necessary.
____ Explain quality and quantity of work standards.
____ Assign his/her work area.
____ Describe availability of future training and assistance.
____ Provide the new worker all necessary job descriptions, handouts, plans, policies, procedures, learning aids and any other materials that will enable the worker to grasp the team approach.
____ Explain the use of office equipment (computers, copy machine, etc.)
____ Stress safe working habits and practices.
____ Stress security aspects of the job, if applicable.
9. Follow up:
____ Check frequently on the new worker's progress.
____ Encourage him/her to ask questions.
____ Make corrections and give encouragement.