Bulletins 251-255 covered several aspects of communications unit mutual aid in California pursuant to SEMS and RIMS, along with an actual case example. To recap the process:
Communications mutual aid for ACS and RACES CHANGED with SEMS and RIMS. We have moved away from systems where messages were passed as a 1950's style hand-written message, or a l970's thermal print, or a standard Amateur Radio message format, or any general-purpose message form. Today's government professionals in
When the ACS Region Officer has the necessary authority and mission and incident numbers, the actual tasking is intended to occur via RIMS, just as with law or fire mutual-aid resources. However, few communications units have equivalent experience
Here's an example of ACS/RACES mutual aid in the 1997 floods. SEMS and RIMS were new and untested and had just been implemented. In other aspects the RIMS computer system proved quite effective, but in this specific case the telephone was the means used instead of the computer. An out-of-the-ordinary factor was that at the time
The flow of mutual aid is in one or more of the following ways:
Continuation of a series on activation, which covered:
December 2001
ACS BulletinsThe Bulletins are addressed to the Emergency Management Agency (with sub-addresses to others) with the intent that the Radio Officer, ACS Coordinator or other unit participant will deliver them to the agency coordinator, and discuss their topics. |
2000-01 EmComm Bulletins
TO: Emergency Communications Units - Information Bulletin
TO: Emergency Management Agencies via Internet and Radio
FROM: Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS) of the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services